Women helping women "Master womens"

Women victims of violence, black, Latina or single mothers.
Being a woman is not an easy place to be, facing everyday prejudices, violence, old ideas of submission and inferiority, and it can be worse if you are a black, Latina woman or single mother. We often see these women’s dreams failed due to a lack of support or guidance for work and economic empowerment. Brazil Master Cleaners is owned by Ms. Erica da Silva Kirk (Latina and single mother) who worked hard to educate and care for her son. She worked for the Brazilian government for 17 years as a Social Worker and nurse serving families with economic difficulties. Upon immigrating to the United States in 2017, Erica da Silva founded Empresa Brasil Master janitores. Initially she cleaned houses alone, more and more clients appeared. Today there are already 7 subcontractors. They have something similar, they are women, black, Latina or single mothers and victims of some type of violence or discrimination due to their condition and they bring with them a great need for support, guidance and information. Faced with vulnerable women, the company decided to prioritize hiring black, Latina or single mothers, as a way of combating inequality, prejudice and the lack of opportunities suffered by this minority and supporting them with the Empowerment, support and personalized guidance project about business, lectures with professionals specialized in different areas (accountants, lawyers, psychologists, etc.), about civil duties, business growth, taxes. It is also offered to subcontractors
completely free of charge:

a) Free online English/ESL course;

b)Free support and information on home economics, parenting, etc;

c) Free fecture on health, nutrition, physical exercise;

d) Free opening of a company;

e) Free online or in-person translator;

f) Free fibrary: loan of books on various topics.

g) Free referral to company partners: doctors, dentists, lawyers, mechanics, babysitters, accountants, etc. who kindly give discounts as they are a BMC subcontractors.

The objective of this project is to support women in personal, economic and intellectual growth and development, providing greater access to health, information and culture and reducing gender inequality. We are happy to be contributing to the personal and professional growth of women.